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High performance Sealing Compounds for all process conditions
Wakol, leading provider of sealing compounds, displays its comprehensive product range at METPACK in Essen, Germany. Using Wakol Sealing Compounds, manufacturers can resolve even complex process challenges.
Productivity increases in the lining process are clearly a focus topic of Wakol. Reducing down-time and scrap rates are important factors which keep customers competitive.
Especially for Wakol food contact products, putting up with an increasingly complex landscape of regional regulations and food industry demands for the safety of the materials is a point steadily growing in importance.
The globally growing demand of beverage cans and the need for efficient production processes whilst supply chain safety has become more demanding, requests new answers from sealing compound suppliers. For products for beverage can end lining, exemplified by WAKOL D 3756 Sealing Compound, Wakol focused on excellent process stability, even at highest line speeds in order to reduce scrap rates to a minimum and consequently save material and money.
WAKOL D 3756 Sealing Compound is a tailor-made sealant choice for beverage can lining and is newly introduced to the market. Developed to fulfil highest quality standards, WAKOL D 3756 Sealing Compound incorporates all the knowledge and experience from decades of Wakol’s continuous innovation process in sealant development. Its formulation is fine-tuned for highest performance in state-of-the-art lining and filling operations
As for the EVA technology the above-mentioned benefits are already incorporated by design of these formulations, which have been part of Wakol’s portfolio for decades. General changes were not necessary. Latest improvements address runnability and processability of the compound, in more demanding operations and extend the technology also to non-round lining operations for food cans. With WAKOL D 3705 Sealing Compound and WAKOL D 3745 Sealing Compound (for non-round robotic application) the portfolio has been further completed.
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