The pictograms describe the properties and usability of the individual products:

EMICODE is a trademark-protected seal for product classification for modern, solvent-free and low-emission laying materials and construction products.

The inspection symbol for environmental and interior hygiene has been awarded since 1997 by the GEV (German Registered Association for the Control of Emissions in Products for Flooring Installation) to products of manufacturers who subject themselves to strict quality controls and regular inspections. With regard to consumer and processor protection, EMICODE provides an orientation aid for the assessment and selection of chemical construction products. The classification system is aimed at planners, consumers and tradesmen, is company-independent and competitively neutral.

The EMICODE breaks down into 3 emission classes, based on the strictly defined GEV test method (emissions test chamber) and the GEV classification criteria.

Many Wakol line products correspond to the best emission class, EMICODE EC1. They are subjected to especially strict controls according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, from the raw material stage to manufacture, with respect to their emission characteristics as well as their superb, technical functionality.

Blue Angel

The Blue Angel is awarded for different product categories in accordance with respectively adjusted inspection criteria. Laying materials are inspected in accordance with DE-UZ 113. After an external inspection of the emission characteristics and fulfilment of other conditions regarding content and container or datasheet information, the Blue Angel licence is awarded by the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Marking (RAL). Marking with the Blue Angel is voluntary. For laying materials, in accordance with DE-UZ 113 there are Blue Angel criteria for products with low VOC emissions to interior air and thus with little effect on human health. For private end consumers, it is the most widely known eco-label. The requirements of the EMICODE EC1 and of the Blue Angel are comparable. EMICODE EC1 PLUS specifies the highest requirements with regard to low-emission laying materials, Floor-covering adhesives | Blauer Engel (blauer-engel.de).

M1 Classification: Emission classification of building materials

M1 is a protected seal for product classification of low-emission building materials.

The voluntary Finnish test mark for environmental and indoor hygiene has been awarded since 1996 by the Building Information Foundation RTS to products of manufacturers who undergo strict quality controls as well as regular inspections. The aim of the classification is to promote the development and use of low-emission building materials.

In the M1 classification, limit values are set for the emission and odour from the product into the indoor air. Levelling compounds must be casein-free.

CE mark

The CE mark is a producer label, stating that the product complies with a harmonised European norm. For levelling compounds this is conformity with DIN EN 13813 „Screed material and floor screeds“. Using the CE mark a high level of transparency concerning important product properties. Each CE labelled product must meet all labelled criteria. The values therefore are always minimum values. According to the European Construction Products Regulation (EU 305/2011) a Declaration of performance has to be provided by the manufacturer for each CE labelled product. The declaration of performance can be found at www.wakol.de.

Mark of conformity

The mark of conformity (Ü-Zeichen) designates laying materials that fulfil the relevant technical specifications of the building authorities. In Austria known as the „ÜA-Einbauzeichen“. General building authority approvals are granted for construction products and methods in the area of application as defined by the state building authorities. They are reliable proof of the usability of construction products. The German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt) is the German licensing authority for general building authority approvals for construction products.

For reasons of health protection, since 01.01.2011 adhesives for parquet and wooden flooring require general building authority approval for their use in habitable rooms (cf. Building Regulation List B Part 1, ser. no. 1.18.3 and Appendix 1/18.3). On 01.01.2012 approval for adhesives for floorings and underlays became a mandatory requirement.


The Wheelmark is a mark of conformity valid throughout the EU, confirming suitability of the respective product for marine equipment in accordance with Council of the European Community Directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment (EC Marine Equipment Directive – MED). To obtain this mark of conformity, a defined fire test must be passed. In addition to this EC type examination, monitoring measures carried out by an accredited body are required, e.g. a quality management system as per Module D. The support organisation for the Wheelmark is the IMO, International Maritime Organisation, an affiliate organisation of the UNO. The declaration of conformity for the corresponding products can be found at www.wakol.de.


GISCODE is a classification system agreed on in 1993 by manufacturers and German Builders’ Trade Associations (GISBAU) for distinguishing product groups with certain common hazardous features. The system is exclusively geared to occupational safety and in large parts refers to the 4 product categories of the TRGS 610.

The classification according to GISCODE, e.g. on container labels, in product information and on safety data sheets, is carried out voluntarily in particular by member companies of the adhesive industrial association „Klebstoffe e.V.“ For all GISCODE product groups the corresponding product information and sample operational instructions are available from the construction professional associations. See www.wingisonline.de

French VOC regulations

The French regulations 2011-321 on VOC emissions classes stipulate that from 1 January 2012 all construction products, flooring and wall surfaces, paints and lacquers used indoors must be marked with their emissions class. Categorisation of the emissions classes is to be on the basis of specified limit values and is the responsibility of the manufacturer. The marking on the product states the highest (worst) of the emissions classes determined for the VOCs and for the TVOC. Equivalent data on the emissions, for example from inspections for AgBB, EMICODE, Blue Angel etc. will be accepted. For details, see www.wakol.de.


Connected Systems stands for harmonised system solutions from Loba and Wakol. Due to an intensive cooperation and the exchange of experiences in product development, our products go through a mutually agreed verification and validation process, which guarantees optimal security for laying.

Details can be found at: 

TRGS 610/Regulations on hazardous substances

The German regulations on hazardous substances (GefStoffV) comprehensively regulate the categorisation, marking and handling of all kinds of hazardous substances (www.baua.de/de/Themen-von-A-Z/Gefahrstoffe/Rechtstexte/Gefahrstoffverordnung.html).

The Technical Regulations on Hazardous Substances (TRGS) define the requirements of the regulations on hazardous substances for trades. Compliance with the TRGS means the requirements of the regulations on hazardous substances are fulfilled.

The TRGS 610 Alternative materials and alternative procedures for high solvent-based primers and adhesives for floorings have been updated.

In accordance with the TRGS 610, solvent-free dispersion adhesives, SMP/MS adhesives and solvent-free PU adhesives are recommended as possible alternatives.

In individual cases, the use of high solvent-based adhesives of the GISCODE Category S 0.5 (or better, such as VOC Control) may be necessary for the full bonding of parquet flooring. In event of use of these evidently less suitable alternatives, the workplace limit values and total limit values are complied with.

Environmental Product Declaration, EPD

An EPD is a data set which attempts to compile all environmentally relevant information/data like resource consumption and emissions to a product over the complete product life cycle. These are approx. 100 individual data. Starting point for making an EPD is the so called ecological balance sheet, thus a systematic analysis on the environmental impact of products during their complete life cycle. This is why it is also called life cycle analysis. The basic procedure for making such product declarations is partly regulated and expressed by standardized norms, e.g. EN 15804.

In order to compile these extensive data, assumptions, average values, estimations are made according to the product division.

The ISO-Type-III-Declaration according to DIN EN ISO 14025 has been created in cooperation with the Institute for Construction and Environment (Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e. V.). With these quantitative statements about the environmental performance of building products, EPDs are also used for certification of buildings, keyword “sustainable building”. In Germany, buildings are certified for example by the DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen = German sustainable building council). Depending on the fulfillment of the criteria, the DGNB awards certificates in gold, silver or bronze.


The German ‘Quality Seal for Sustainable Buildings’ (QNG) is a state seal of quality for buildings, with the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) as the seal issuer and accredited certification bodies as awarding bodies. 

Wakol offers a comprehensive range of laying materials that fulfil the criteria for the requirements of the Quality Seal for Sustainable Buildings (QNG). The requirements are described in the QNG requirements catalogue Appendix document 313, version 1.3, Avoidance of harmful substances in building materials.

The product list and the declaration of conformity can be downloaded here